沉心藝境 The Art of Contemplation
- 微風輕撫宅邸的大片落地窗,漫搖四季美景,陪伴一家三口的日常生活、共度自在愜意的家庭生活,而其中流露的樸質、禪意,正為業主想望,細品之中,感受獨特的風雅調性。
- The breeze caresses the large-scale French windows, and the successive beauty of the year is in the air, accompanying the family of three to enjoy a carefree and homely daily life together. The simplicity feature and Zen vibe achieve the homeowner's yearning, marvelously bringing about the exceptional, elegant layout of the mansion.
- 自玄關開始,淺色石材、木紋地坪打造的天、壁、面,加及場域擁有的光線優勢,形塑通透明亮公領域,也予以視野的舒適度,且思及業主個人業務繁忙,設置日式韻味的和室,使其隨時能靜坐冥想,袪除工作壓力。
- Exploit light-colored stones and wooden veneers to set up the ceiling, the floor, and the wall; moreover, take advantage of the excellent natural lighting, fashioning an airy and bright pattern, as well as giving out a comfortable look. Considering the homeowner's busy life, we carefully set a Tatami room for him to unwind and meditate at any time, calmly casting off the working pressure.